


Faculty of International Studies




取り組み?プロジェクト紹介 詳細


国際学部取り組み?プロジェクト紹介 詳細


Study tour to Asakusa and Hamarikyu Gardens (GSE classes)

 On May 14th, Dr. Gretebeck and Mr. Mills went with their Foundation Seminar (kiso zemi) classes on a study trip (gakugai kenshu) to Asakusa and Hamarikyu Gardens. The two classes involved are part of the new GSE (Global Studies in English) program in the Faculty of International Studies.

 The weather was good and it was the weekend of the annual Sanja Matsuri, so the streets of Asakusa were crowded. There were large numbers of tourists and there were also a lot of people wearing traditional Japanese clothes. The sounds of traditional Japanese music were all around us. Unfortunately, we only had time to stay an hour or so and enjoy some shaved ice (kaki gori) and then we moved on to Hamarikyu Gardens by waterbus along the Sumida River.

 The journey along the river was fun and relaxing and we could see Tokyo from an unaccustomed perspective.

 When we arrived at Hamarikyu, we wandered around the beautifully designed gardens and enjoyed looking at the interesting attractions (such as the tranquil Nakajima-no Ochaya teahouse) and the stunning views. Finally, we left the gardens from the Otemon gate and made our way home.

 It was a good day, giving students and teachers the chance to communicate in English and get to know each other better.